• Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA

TUTR is a Tuscaloosa-based mobile application that instantly connects students and tutors at any time and from anywhere using their mobile phones. TUTR is available 24/7, from any location, and on all Apple and Android mobile devices. TUTR offers to its users In-person and Text interaction methods as well as Academic and Trade subjects.

The TUTR mobile app will change tutoring on a global scale. Access will be faster, easier, and more convenient and affordable. Peer-to-peer tutoring will become widespread especially among campuses, and TUTR will be a second job to anyone with the proper credentials and a smart phone. Communities will be enriched from within by creating a network of peers connecting and academically assisting one another. This mission of enrichment is furthered by financial aid from TUTR in the form of 5-8% cash-back to students and 2-5% of all profits are donated to local charities, especially those which build a community through education.