Office of Inspector General

The Office of Inspector General is a certified peer-reviewed member of the Association of Inspectors General. OIG’s 2019 operating budget is $9,738,316 and the office currently has 106 appropriated full-time employees.

In addition, OIG and its staff hold various certifications from and memberships in organizations including the Association of Local Government Auditors, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement, and the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics.

OIG is organized into five sections—Audit and Program Review, Investigations, Legal and Hiring Oversight, Operations, and Public Safety. View our organizational chart and our Information Portal Dashboard on Employee Demographics on our website to find out more. For information on how complaints against OIG are handled, see OIG’s Memorandum of Understanding with the City’s Law Department.